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Moorabbin Obedience Dog Club

Important Notice: Due to high demand, our website may be slow. Please be patient or try again later in the week.

Training times



9.00 - 9.45 am           PUPPY, WHITE 1,  GOLD/TRIALLING CLASS

10.00 - 10.45 am       WHITE 2,  WHITE 3, WHITE 4

11.00 - 11.45 am       PINK 1,   PINK 2/3,   GREEN 1,   GREEN 2

12.00 noon                First Day Class


 8.30 am Triallers' Class

 8.30 am Foundation Class

10.30 am Beginners and Intermediate Class

10.30 am Fun Class

A condition of training in Agility at the club is that handlers assist with either the setting up of agility equipment at 8.30am or the packing up of equipment at 11.30am.

Rally O 

10.00 am  - 12.00 pm Rally Class


6.00 to 6.45 pm Instructor's Dogs training

7.00 - 7.45  pm Obedience classes for PUPPY, WHITE, PINK,  GREEN, GOLD/TRIALLING

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