Moorabbin Obedience Dog Club
For all handlers with puppies and dogs over 6 months you need to register online on this website.
To Register you need to
Please bring to your class, a collar, a lead, lots of small soft dog treats and a favourite toy.
Your membership registration is not complete (our system will show your membership is "Pending") until you have shown the vaccination certificate for each dog you intend to train at the club. A minimum of C5 is required.
On your first day you should head to the Office and show the
vaccination certificate(s) so we can complete your membership approval.
On Sunday, all new members will join the First Day Class at 12.00 noon. You must present your vaccination certificate for each dog you train at the Club, we suggest you head to the office by 11.30 am if you have registered online.
If you have not registered on-line please come at 11.15 am.
you have completed registration, we invite you and your dog to attend the information session and introductory class.
After the First Day Class you will be advised the time of your future classes.
There will be no First Day classes on Wednesday nights.